THE YORK THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1951, 3 7 1 He ADG QEaflu pzStfD-, POQ :DZirJ.0Ca ws sa Come Early for These! Outstanding Values! sH 3. id ry 0. 2.09 2.98 CURTAINS Mens Reg. 2.49 Rayon SPORT SHIRTS stin97 SPA ART MNGRBSs4fZ JPS 9S JQVV A 1T? SPECIAL 4 i Extra special value! Perfect filing washable rayon sport shirt in blue, tan, green, grey. Smal, Medium, Large.
1 LACY GOWNS elaborately lavish with pretty trims. Washable multifilament rayon in white, pink or blue. 1.98 value. FuH-cut. Sizes 32 to 40.
SHEER RAYONS, guaranteed washable finish. Double stitched side hems hang straight. .42" Eggshell. Pair 1.77 LACES special self-pleat tops. Exquisite Brussels type or border motifs.
Each panel 36" Soft shell 1 .77 I I NEAT GOWNS in cotton crinkle crepe that tubs eosiiy, needs no ironing. Many styles. Straight-cut, 54' length, i Sizes 34-40, Regular 69 BROADCLOTH SHOUTS Boxer styles. Sanfor- 5 Ized. 28-44.
PLASTIC COTTAGE SETS regularly 1,89 2-VVqy Stretch GIRDLES i Usually 1.39, these are a real buy I Party girdle or straight styles. Pink, Small, Large. Sanforized W.T.G. SHIRT Reg. 1.89.
Sturdy blue 67 chambray. 14 Vi 17. Womens Brief PANTIES SUPPORTED PLASTIC WINDOW SHADES SPECIAL W.T.G. DENIM DUNGAREES Reg. 2.39.
29 to 421 1.97 Reg. $1 Felt SLIPPERS Padded soles. 6 to 1 1 Guaranteed not to stretch or sag.36" 6'. Cut free. This sale! Circular-knit rayon in white, pink, blue, maize.
Self or elastic cuff. Lg. i 69 to 1. 9 LUXURV FADRICS It. Boys Washcbl.
CORDUROY LONGIES Special Fall Handbags Top handle, shoulder 4R "94 and underarm styles 7 in Fashion colors StMRT SGPARATSS for only. 44 Washable 'pinwale cor duroys have boxer top. Fall colors. 4 to 10. yard pin tax WlV' I R- Earrings and Pins I98 Special Rayon Gabardines Rayon Failles I i i 5 Choose from a wide 57 assortment in tailored or dressy tax Cotton Jacquard PULLOVER Heavy Spun Rayons 1 Hurry for these.
AH from famous mills. All in wanted wines, dark greens, novys, Perfect for suits, dresses. Reg. $1 Scarfs All Wool Sweater Reg! 2.29 Many Colors, 34-40 1 White, Aqua, Pink Fall Skirt Values to 3.98 Size 24-30 I. I98 Pure silk, hand rolled 77 35" squares in bril SANFORIZED BROADCLOTH Thread dyed colors wont wash out.
A or smalls plaids, light or dark. 5ALE4Cy4, BLEACHED MUSLIN, first quality. White. 36" wide 33c yd. liant prints.
Screen printed potterns oa blue, brown, green cotton. Washable. Lg. 4 i 4 NJt. Regular Slippers ADVANCE PATTERNS Grants has the latest 15 to 50t 1.00 Women's soft-sole chenille or corduroy.
4 to V. dim tim ftm mm mm mmm an mm Vv 59 VALUE 03 Til TOWELS. Regular 1.39 Childrens 1 30 x50 Non-skid Latex back jV'v i Extra absorbent. White only 18x37. 40 4 A i i 1 ft 1 1 rVi washbright colors.
DRESSER SCARFS wi x' 'r- 3-Shelve CORNER RACK 42 long with scallop trim. Se- JJ lect Ecru or pas- tels. SHE STYLED COTIOH DRESSES 257 I -k SPECIAL Y44 SPECIAL 11 Reg. 1.59 Reg. 1.29.
Attractive design. Rich Mahogany finish. specie INFANTS CRAWLER washable pinwale corduroy. Copen, royal, red, pink, njTaize. 12 and 18 months.
TODDLERS OVERALL ,0 sturdy pinwale corduroy. ivtu pinwaic corGuroy, Excephonol value special-women's dresses. women PLAID BLANKETS I eight singlefold cot- 7.37 tons. Rose or yifv 'v 1 i Hassocks Easy-to-keep clean plastic finish 3-79 purchase 80-square Pjcct. ful prints, delightful sty 38-44; 16V-24; 46-52.
blue. 60x78. Button suspender. Red, royal, green, copen. Sizes 2 to 4.
TODDLERS LONGIE, washable pinwale Elastic boxe waist. Royal, red, green, brown. Sizes 2-4. iv; TEAM, THEM WITH 69 1.67 I FIlT SLIPPIRS western design. 7 to 3..
p. 10 01. tumblers never 54" GMUAtHt BAG NEW CRHONNL Entire selection of Foil PrioH reduced for this sole. OQ Pebble weave. 36 BAKING TINWARE nd the in fr baking right hove Reg.
10. You are so Heat sealed seams these. 39 2.474 too 1W many -Buy now ond saves of every strong See the new closure! Sure p. need. zt is V' 4 Pi: 'A s' Vv i X5r GRANT PAY SPECIALS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT YOUNG CANARIES Reg.
2.98. Cheierful, healthy pets. i 1.97 I MOLLAIJO Reg. S9.Quolity bulbs; many colors. dox.
BOUDOIR LAMPS Colonial figurines: acetate thnf anxiits SOCKS training pants 4 VELOUR TUFFS Generous 2 powder puffs. BIG sugar wafers Crisp cracker filled with 2 Baby" lob, test- 35 to 39. Tiny irregu BIRDSEYE, DIAPERS Bouncing Baby" lab. test- i-pk772p 1.39 white. 27 4 Reg I of knits.
1 Bouncing cd cotton Pastels, 4 pr 3 for four in one telephone package larities do feet wear. 6-1 OVi whL 4-0 layers of vanilla orJ2Ib chocolate creme. Grants Guarantees V7c 36-42 West Market St. jfr money bo 'o.