The Atchison Daily Champion from Atchison, Kansas (2024)

atctjiscn imarfen proposals. IJiDposals. iRtscrllaixtfjus. jBtsctllaittous. fHlscclhineouB.

Site giln CImmpi0Uw Prososals. JOUN PBNTON ATCHisoa eakbab.jan ac Every Housekeejjer, Who want! a Happy faintly, Every Hotel Keeper Who always wants a hone, AJib PiiO VISION is HIT AC it intra a 9Siml. ocrrss. Rio, fair pet ib Oroud, per pound 35 Choice, i.i5 Java, Old Got. '4A Parched," VJ'-, Crushed and powdJ(l terto Hico, 11 soda, per pound, 10 N.

Orleans, 1112 Cream Tartar, lb, 40 Sew lor txaa. uanpowier, 1 So Japan, Ko. 1, 1 'xil 20 Impenao, 1 (w Black, 1 (01 20 tntm. 3sgar House, per ml (0 Beet, Goldeo, ftr gaL SOc norgliuuj, A ol 4 0 SilTer Drips, 110 Peacuee.perp'jnnd, lo pound. 28 A l'Jlll eeediess and layer.

Prunes, 1 raisins, 30 Currants, FLOUR. Beet, TTT fall per tt 5 20 spring per cwt- a 253 60 Common Grades, 1 lJ Rye, 3 0tig3 2 urahacn 3 00 Meal, per DasheL 46S50 well next day by 3 lea Caldwell Thursday at 6 a arrive at Wichita ntxt day by 1 m. From Wichita to Accusta, back. once a week Leave Wichita Moodav at 10 a arrive at An gust by 6 pm; leave Augusta Iueaday at 8 a arrive at Wichiu by 4 tn. Frem Solomon Ctyto Wichita, 90 miles and back, once a week Leave Solumon City Monday at 6 arrive at Wichira Wednesday by 12 leave Wichita Thursday at 6 am; arrive at Solomon City Baturdai by I'Z m.

frcm St. Mary's, E-krHre. to Emporia, miles cn a week. Leave St. Mary'g Mocdav at 6 a nr.

arrive at Em pona next day bv 2 pm; lea.e Emporia Wednesday at 6 a arriveat ct. Mary's text day by 2 Fro by Leland and Far West, to Dia-mond Spria 25 milts and tack, once a week. L.t; ridv at 6 a luamond Springs by 2 leve Diamond Springs Saturday ai 9 a arrive at 3kiddy by 5 m. From S-wlina, by Lindsborg and Hutchinson, to iSmer5, 411(1 back owe a wetk. Bidders Jl etate distance and propose schedule From Sumner, by Chikaskia, to Caldwell, 25 pNDERTAKBR, r.

Dealtr in all kinds of Casos and Caskets I Alio, full assortment of Wooden Coffins, a hand. Office and ware-room at i. ctory on Third street. Hearse furaii hed for Pone Jb Ordr. pr-rootly filled.

i Feb 7dtj CENTRAL BRANCH (Jnion Pacific Railroad. I31a ROAD RUNS THROUGH THE Purities of til Kansas. Jihpleted to Waierville, distant lOO Milt Alckison and the Missouri Riverf 1 ui a V3 IvX 14. Ui ffct at 6 O'Clock. A.

Hay 1st. 1872 GOING WEST. expense maybe incurred No claim for a iditional pay. based on such ground, can be fousiderec: nor ior alleged mistakes or misapprehension as to the degree ol service; nor for bridges destrojed, ferries discontinued, or other obstructions causing or iucre-tsing distance or expense occurring during the contract term. established alter this advertisem*nt is iaaued, and al during the contract term, are to be visited without extra pay, if the distance be not increased.

11. Bidders are cautioned to mail their repots in time to reach tb dt-partmeut by the day and hour Darned (3 p. March 3. l73. fSr bids received after that time will not be considered in competition with bids, ot reasonable amount, received in time.

Neitner can bids be cons'dered which are without the snaran-tee required by law, and a certiticateof toe sufficiency of sncn and the oath ot the bidder according tosection 216, act of June ls72. 12. Kiddtra should tirst prr pose for service strictly acctrdiDc; to the advertisem*nt, and then, if they desire, Siji'iraiely for different service; and if the regular bid be the lowest offered for the advertised Service, the other propoeiiions may be considere-1. 13. There should be but one route bid for in a proposal.

Consolidated or combination bids proposing one sum ior two or more cannot be consid- i ered. 14. The route, the service, the yearly pay, the name i and residence of the bidder that is, his usual peet i office address, and the naoie of each member of a firm where a company offers, should be digpnctlystated. 15. Bidders are requested to n-e, as far as practicable, the printed proposals furnished by the department, to write ont in fell the sum of their bid, and to retain copies of them.

Altered bids snould not be submitred; nor should bids once suhmmitted be withdrawn. No withdrawal of a bidder or guarantor will be alios ed unless tne withdrawal is received twenty-four hours previous to the time fixed for opening the proposals. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible persons. Tne bit ana guarantee ebculd be signed plainly with the full ntme of each person. The postmaster general jeeerves the nght to reject any bid which may be deemed extravagautfand also to disregard the bids of failing bidders and Lvntrart-ors.

(Act of June 8, 1S72, section Id, Tt.e bid should bd sealed, superscribed Mail Proposals, State of addres-ed Assistant Pvsluiaaier General, Contract uth" and sent by mail, not by or to an airent. Bids ot i-V-iXi per anrum and upward must be aeccmpanied t-y a certitied check or draft on some solvent national bank, equal to 5 per cent of the amount. See law tf Corn-read oi JnxeS.lST?. 17. I ne contracts are to be executed and retured to the department by or before the 1st day mf June, 173.

otherwise the accented bidder will be considered as having failed, and the paymaster general may proceed to coutract fur the service with other parties, according to law. Transiers of contracts, or of interest in contractu, are forbidden by law, and conneqaentlv cannot be allowed. Neither can bid, or interest in bids be transferred or assigned to other parties. Bidders will therefore take notice that they will be expected to perform the service awarded to them through the whole contract term. is.

Section 249 of the act of June 1S72, provides that contracts for the transportation of the mail sUnll be awarded to the lowest bidder tendon sufficient guarantees for faithful performance, without other relerence to the mode of such transportation than may be nH-essary to provide for tbe due celerity, certainty, and security thereof." Underthis law bids that prupoae to transport the mails with 'celerity, certainty, and security," having been decided to be the only legal bids, are construed as providing for th entire mail, however large, and whatever may be the mode of conveyance necessary to ic-Bureiti certainty, and tsc*ntj," and have the preference over all others, and no others are considered, except for Bteamboat routes. A modification ot a bid in any of its essential term is tantamount to a new bid, and cannot be received, soas to interfere with regular competition. Making a new bid, witu guarantee and ceitinxale, is only way to modify a previous bid. 2C. Postmaster are to be careful not to certify to the sufficiency of guarantors without knowing "that they aje persons of sufficient responsibility See section 247, act ot June 8, 1572.

They must not sign tbe certificate until the sum of the bid is inserted, and the bid and guarantee is Mgned by the bidder aud guarantors; a disregard of this instruction by postmasters will subject them to immediate removal, and to severe penalties. Postmasters are also liable to diamissil from office for acting as agents of contractors or bidden, with or without compensation, in any business mattep, or thing, relating to tbe mail eervice. They are the trusted agents of the dejartment. and cannot consistently act iu both capacities. 21.

All bidders, guaramois, and surities are distinctly notified that oh a failure to enter into or perform the contracts for the service proposed for in the accepted bids, their legal liabilities will be enforced against them. 22. Present contractors, and persons known at the department, mast, equally with others, procure guar-antir and ceniDcatea of their sufficiency subtan tialiy iu tbe rms above prescribed The certificate of sufficiency must be gned by a postmaster. J.NO. A.J l.

lk a K. Mail 4 AecomMu IiUImi, l' A. H. UCtlou. eniingtoii, urovia, 15 7:40 tlifbaln.

17J4 4:11 scotab. lb iM litiUK, 31 'JlJ Ywakfc, Mi 1 tmore, li 1' :1" mian, 4a 5:4 i 11:1.7 iiliin, (..111 litralia. 62 li-4S T. u. million 70 I Inklort, 7:15 2: '1 mtt'a, llu 434 'J l'i lug, K.ipi.1" I ive at Vt aterville, MO tCDO 4 H) cured.

Are tho oulv t' cousnojptiL'C. TuluicLar rtied cine- that mil t-- kjcub mt- Oa 'nii. in. WiVer. slops ibe stuj it- tiu- 1 nd, iu eK'trutHi; tan- it i.KaS UI (-I.

ui thi aul ti an- Ihe tnirds oi ih- ca-t l3 n. Many ar-B ar. a c-'iiii-iatniLg vtib oui! jam soruttifiies aii tited, pnin ie lht- Vr bu erv rtstk's-, and ai v.htr that ta taken iics at-HViiy Li liil" -1 tlit-ln-W-p tt t-iiiia: tun i niea acuuj bid i-i lifted t'UH (Mi led of the stoiiiUili u- ii laev tate oue cr twu Htav and the couch thee case t-e sntlJr-L 1 iil. ltv-r, and stoiiincb clv anu rt-rif; K-ipul tiuvl iinwnve. and oeiore thr? petir-Lt is aunrt h- ii.

th luus smavjot eorrt, auJ is the iipvitat'! resnlt. ilOC: 't cecturj ar.y oj.iuai, nor t. uialcJ cht a a touU tt'iiwe-! 1'finc tIlhpoJ vr? tliA mixes with ih- gtnc juice tht- stomach, je-tM t-a-iiv, the an4 create a circnia-lon or the towels arc c. ekin callow, aad 'he is ol a MM-u i henck'e Pills arc rr.juir, -l. Tbee uiedicineri art bv Pr J.

II A-hrnck St-o, LrtIieaMt conuM ui Sixth hu. I Ar. P. tlruv, ncraiiv. 3ieer St.

Lou in, marodwlv For sale by a A Fni J. Dr. J. S. HOSE'S GOLDSr.

THE GHKAT I.KMKIY, 5inct tht I'r aity of special i li.i-.ii, tfiition, autl "tt ti other braL-' cf i eiiennive i tt a HUU- 1 nrv tm. f. -i ii 1 It. .1 S. Ki? tmlv ai illti to th--' iht iU- pilis.

Tht3 h-ivt-a HiJi.i IIIUCIOS Ol li failed in turuu- it females are so utivu To. yU vi, giviUji i ri'Uaii i and vn Lare, i tut. rt-tiiun tut c-'it-i iti cautjlliit; tht- csiju. hirj ti. jevtel, the in ic-sMiiiic a reiifftl hnathtrifrts.

Vh. tiitv i i h. Jl-n t.i in tt nu it t.i lo-i', I. -rltv ti i 1 i he tou aUU I A IlH! hltt'tl to Mil, lO.lll, It'll- 111'- yi in 1 d. lun t'n- he 1 ihev if ol tl bl are nseinl in tjinraaen -hinactei i- "i li i-iMtv, et -'if pvmii wrien tie toiitt i.r xht 1 1 h.

1 1 1 utf 01; ca.ire. Kur liio-ie i t-y a iiip-t-xu-r. languor, rest n-s i.t-ni: tL-n, an-i 1 oi ut care oi (U.f uiH Lave Hid tlirir i i t- 1. i.f a. in vn-d i i i II Comp -it 1 1 alt's l-n flitl JUUadA ix.iL -J.

aUl 4-S uA. .1 A ajt.i:i'.: OrgrlLlrj Mill i pi! or -r nJ K.idue8, Mum in doit. 'ltrvuMf ItiiLl a ail di-t-ives ot the i. i i-1 whetlier Mai-, nr Fur ss urui uj sr, 1 Crick- it creZion or abu-io, ej-crsu or ditii'-ttfH. turne ufttir -vUi I 'It! t'r Lo sot Meinurif t.r vtiFinsn Loss of i''itc-ri it 't.

gf' ea iClth U.ut.:r,t: a tn t'-ICk, I f-fQ, Hkin ri.A,, nr-i L'ry It Uiee i -1 (Vol3' qiieutl.) Tl.tR (Lis tall- i.t- i 1 1 jiiriUli lltti hi-: Jj. whure tiiu i u- i.t i i i- fi iri.nitit. -Vharf-, n.t ui- cirie irr i. i i-t flender; i in K-sauUs, 1 uhicl.J (at th.J la I A SiiHS i. i rIL t.

mali. i. .4 i lr nr if mo--, urolsjl i 1 -i M. i.r. i---; vt iii' ih r.iM-' -ui: '1 fin-ta IM.ii t.i i I il.

Ti. ill i'i i I II (-, ti-- "I ht- i I 'i) i- i I tllj io to 1 It I- lio- i i T.i aertoll-, JiO.Ii; ah- r. ir iin i V''jrlli- rJtUt iiji tt. i fie h-nllfij no u. l.

-t r.o. rr the llrwlr, Y. 1 1. v-l 3. c.

tl l.ilKt- CHIGAaC. 1 Oiayu.diwly fir tc? i'i 3 II OH MASRlcGr. I' rr Krror- tuo Al.i..c- in isr.i iila. .11. Nt al.

1 i s. I. ant 10 fr-- 01 -1 1 i- 7 A.ltir.'-a 'Mitli Nllit I'l 1 11 1. fi i i. I- igh I i.r,t i- 1 at -I i.

ai 0K 1 MO. I i.i-'..- 1 i rct. HI 1, V. ft t' .1 aii4 ft. -tfS VKr.l.

i- a 1 r--- r--'l "i Lit. 1oii3iiiiiptioncc 14251 14253 142S4 14295 112S3 14257 14253 once a wmk Leave Sumner Friday at 8 a arrive at Caldwell by 4 leave Caldwell Saturday at a at Sumner by 4 m. From Sabetha to FalU Cii y. 19 miles aud back, once a week. Leavp Saetbaraturday at am; arriveat Falls City by 12 leave Fa'll City Saturday at 1 in; arrive at Sabeiha by 7 ni.

From Oswego, by Kim Grove (n oj, to Tarker, 20 n-iies and back, once a wetk. Leave Odwego konday at 8 a arrive at Parker by 6 leave Parker Tuesday at a arrive at Oswego by 6 m. From Parker, by Co Bluff (Indian Shanta-Sapba (or Black Dog Creek), Cbot au Station, and Locust Grove o), to Tahlequah, 10S miles and nacfc, once a week. Leave Parker Monday at 6a arrive at Tahle-4Uh Wednesday by leave Tahiequh Ihursday at 6 a arriveat Parker Saturday by 6 ni. From Odborne, via Valley of t.e Solomon, to west line of the State and bck, once a week Bidders wiUatate distance and pro.oe schedule.

From Eureka, by Christiana, to Cottonwood Falls and back, once a week. Bidders will state distance andpropose schedule. From Concordia, by Aurora, to ca*wker City, and back, once a week. Bidders will state distance and propose schedule. From Hutchinson, by Sherman (n o), and Pom- eroy (a o), to Camp Supply, Ind.

and back, once a week. Bidders will state distance and propose schedule. From Twin Mound, by Valley Brook, Michigan City, and La Mont Hill, to Ljndon and back, nce a week. Bidders willetatediataiceand propose schedule. Froii Peabody, by Plnm Grove and Spring Branch, to Towacda and back, once a week Bidders will state distance and propose schedule.

From Lewifburg, by New Lancaster, Fontania, and Greeley, to tSaruttt and back, once a week. Bidders ill state diatanceand propose schedule. From Pleasanton, by Mound City and Bine Mound, to Ozaik and back, once a wetk. Bidders will etatedia trace aud propose schedule. From Ellsworth, by Jewell, to Grand LJand, and back, once a week.

Bidders will state distance and propose schedule. From Lindsborg to Hutchinson and back, once a woek. Bidders will state distance and propose schedule. From Saiina, by Elm Creek (n o), to Hutchinson and back, once a week. Bidders will Biate distance aud propose schedule.

From Douglas, by St. Joe fn o), Ninnescah and Merictrau (n o), to Caldwell aud back, once a week. Bidders will state distance and propose schedule. From Concordia to Asherville and back, once a wt ek. Bidders will statedistanceand propose schedule.

From Winfield. by Oxford, to Sumner and back, once a w-k will state distance and propose schedule. From Wyandotte, by Quindaro, Six-Mile House (no), White Church, and Maywood, to Tonga noxie and back, once a week. Biddt rs will tate distance and propose schedule. From Belleville, by Prairie Plain, toDrydec and back, once a week.

Bidders will btate distance and propose schedule. From Bunker Hill, by Lara, to Osborne ana back, once a week. Bidders will state distance aad propo-e schedule. From Burlington, by Martindale, Dixon, Ked- ron, 0 ivet, Lyndon, bairlax, and Kiciita.OL., to Carboudale and back, oiice a wtk. Bidders will btate aistance and propose schedule.

From Coocoidia, by Lake Siblt-y and West Creek, io B-heviile add back, ence a wetk. Bidders will state distance an-j propose schedule. From Clay Centre, by Brown Rock (n o), and Butler, to and once a eek. B.ddera will state distance and prop; setchedule. 14239 141-91 14292 14233 11293 14296 14237 14293 11299 14300 143C1 14302 11303 14304 14305 14306 14307 143:8 14309 FORM OF PROPOSAL, GU ANTES, AND CERTIFI CATE.

The nndersigned- wiioe pOMt-oiflce adJress is oi nroi.ii&es to ci unty or convey the m-ils of the United Statn, from July 1, 10, to jul ecu. io on route io. between und-r the adver l-ement ol the Post ma ter General, dated DtCember 1, 172 with c-lr-iity. certainty, and (lw of June 8, for the sum of dollars. This orooonal is made with full knowUdae of thedti- tance of ttie route, the weiyiit of the mail to be carried, and all other pa icutars in reference to th- rute and service and, ajter careful examin Hon nf the laws and instructions uUachcd to the adr'rlisem*nt of mail service a- of the contantea in the act of Congress of June 8, Id, 2- Dated Bidder.

Guarantee. The undersigned, at FUte or undertake that, if the foregoing bid for carrjiig -he mail on route lo. be a cetted bv th General, the bidder will, prior to trie 1st Juue, 1573. enter into the require! --bii-iticn contract, ti per lorm tbe service proposed, wnh good aud tiufHeient aurities. Tins we do, undcrdandina distitctlu the chUaations and liainlies assumed by guarantors.

Hated Certifcatc. The undersignM, postmant-r at. State of certifies, cxdeb his oath of OFfiiCfi, that he is acquaint ed with the above guarautors, knows th-ui to be men ot property, aud ahl to their miaran- tee; and that bidder and guarantors are above the age of 21 years. Bids $5,000 and upwards must be accompanied hu a certified draft on some solvent bank, equal to 5pr centum cn the prcsnt annual pay on the route; or in cast of nrw service not lets Own 5 pr of one ymr pay proposed in the bid(Sectim 253, ActofJune 8, The Postmaster must not tbe certificate until the sum of the bid is inserted and the bid and guarantee signed by all the parties, and dated. FORM OF PROPOSAL, ETC.

Oath required by fortiori 246 of an act of Congress, ap- prarea junc ioi or ajnxea to each but Jor carrying the mail, and to be taken before an -jficcr qualified to administer oaths. of bidder forcarrvine themai on route No. from do swear ti.t 1 havnthH ability pecuniarily to fnlfill my obligation as auch tiiarer; ana tnat tne oia is maae in good faith, and with the intention toenter into contract and perfoim the Bervice in case said bid shall be accepted; and that the Bignatnresof the guarantors thereto are genuine, and that 1 believe the said guarantors to be pecuniarily responsible for nd able to pay all damage the Unitee States shall suffer by reapon of my failing to perform my obliications ai such bidder. Sworn to and subscribed before me of this day of A. 1V7 for the and in testimony thereof I hereunto subscribe mv name and affix my official seal the day and year aforesaid.

Note. When the oath is taken before a iu-tice of the peace, the certificate of the clerk of tbe court of record shonld be added, under hi seal of office, that the person who administered the oath is a duly qualified justice of the peace INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND POST MASTERS Containing also conditions to be ineorporated in the con tracts io the eztcnt the aepxrtmen may dtem proper. 1. Seven minuted are allowed to each intermediate office, when not otherwise r.pecifi6d? for assorting the mans. Oa routei where the mode of convevance admit a of it, the special Knti ot the poat office department.

also post office blanks, mail bags, locks and kejs, are to te convened itnout extra cnarge. 3. ay bills or receints nrenared bv Dostmaster? or otheratrents of the department, will accomt-anv th mans, specuving me number and tie-a nation ot the several bigs, to be examined by the postmaster, to insure regularity in tne delivery ot bag a ua pveches 4. H-o pay will be made for trips not oerformed: and for each ot iuh omissions, if the failure be occasioned ty the fault of the contractor or carrier, three time the pay of tt.e trip will be deducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to break connection wi deoena- ing malls, and not aufficleutly excused, one fonrth of the compensation for the trip ie ub? to forfeiture.

For repeated cf the kn hereiu speci-liee, enlarged penalties prop -rtiuned to the n-trne thereof, and the t-f the mail mas be mace 6. For leviD beOi or tnruwing off the mails, cr any portion oi tnem, ior tue acicisston of p.senger, or lor feeing: concerns! in setting ud or runmnir ao express cotivyiuc in adTnca of me niail, a quartrs pay nay be deducted. 6. Fines will le 1 3 posed, unless the delicqnetry be promptly and satislactunly espiained certrnr-atee of pos-t masters or the affidavits ot othr cred.r le persons, for failing to arrive cotitract time; for neglecting to take the tils from, or deliver it into, a poet rmce; for suTenng it to be wet, injard. destroy ed, robbed, or loat, ana for refusing dKaad.

to convey tbe mail a frequently as tn contract runs, or is concerned in runn.g a coach, car, or suaaibiat on aronie. 7. The ro-t central iray annul the contract for repeated failures run areca1" to contract; for violating tbe post CTree or duotitying the in it ructions of the dp tment; for reiuainx to charge a carrier when r- qiired by xbe d-pa uuent to do so; for an exi-re-s a- ftfroiAid; or for transporting per-ous or j-Tsv-ke conr-ymg mailable matter out mail. 8. The postmaster general ir.ay order an increase of servic on a route bv al tbertior a pro rata in crease on tbe contract pay.

He change tednlrt of departures acd am. el? in ail cases, and panic a laxlf to make them conform to cennect on with rail roads, withont increase cf paw, provided the running time be not abridged, ine icmmasier general may also diecontince of curtail the semee, tuwnoieorin part, in order to place on tbe route superior service, whenever the public interests, is his adz merit. snail require aoch discontinuance or curtailment for any other caiee; he allowing as tail indemnity to con tractor one month's extra pay on the amount of ser-wice dispensed with, and a pro rata compensation for the amnnt of service retained and continued. 9. Pay meats will be made by collections from, or drafts, ob poetmastera or otnerwtae, after the sxpira-ttoa each quarter cay in November, Febraary Post Ornci Dipaxtmktt, Washington, December 1, lT-.

PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Office of tbis Deptu-ttfint until 3 p. m. of March 3, for conveying the mails of tea United States, frcm July 1, IsTo, to June in the State of KANSAS, on tbe routes and by the schedule i of departures and arrivals herein specified. Decisions announced by cr before March 23, 1ST 3. (Bidden tc ill examine carrf ully fJu laws, forms, and instructions annexed The letters (n.

indicate that there is no post office at tbe plae named. Service will But be let where do office exists. KASSAS. 14238 From Abilene, by Buckeye (n. and Lovejoy (n.o.), to Clay Centre, 5 miles and back, once a week.

Leave Abilene Monday at 6 a Arrive at Clay Centre by 6 zn Leave Clay Centre Tueiday at a ni Arrive at Abilene by 6 m. 14229 From Abilene, by Newborn and Mud Crick (n. to Marion Centre, 41 miles and back, a week. Lave Abilene Tuesday at 6 a Arrive at Marion Centre by 8 Leave Marion Centre Wednesday at a ni Arriva at Abilene by m. 1421u From Acgnata to 2Smilca aad lack, once a wetk.

Leave Angusta Monday at 9 a Arrive at JSinnescah by 6 m'; 1 eave Nincecah Tueeday at 9 a Arrive at Augusta by 6 m. 14241 From by Oak Creak (n o) and Pilot Rock (n o), to Zibuville (n o), 2S aiiks and back, once a week. Leave CoEomfa Wednesday at 8 a ia Arrive at Zahnville by 5pm, Leave Zabnville Thursday at Sam; Arrive at eoncordia by 5 m. From ca*wker City to -Wilson and 14242 iracs, once a weet. Leave ca*wker City Monday at 8 a ro Arrive at Wilson next day by 10 a in Leave Wilson at 4 Arrive at ca*wker City next day by 6 m.

14213 From Elk Falls, Ty Boston, Belknnp, and Clover-dale, to Cedar vale, 35 miles and back, once a wek. Leave Elk Falls Monday at 6 a Arrive at Cedarvale by 6 Leave Cedarvale Tuesday at 6 a Arrive Elk Falls bj 6 pm. 14241 From Fk ridge to Council Grove, 2o miles and ck, once a week. Liate Kskridge Monday at 8 a Arrive at Council Grove by 5 Leave Council Grove Tuesday at 8 a Arrive at Ettkiidge by St m. 14215 From Central ia, byLorrain and Neucbattl, to Vienna, 30 miles and back, once a Week.

Leave Centralia Monday at 7 a Arrive at Vienna by 5 Leave Vienna Tuesday at 7 a Arrive at Centralia by 5 m. 14210 From Bosland, by East Wolf, Mace, Free Will, and Pittsburgh, to ca*wker City, 51 miles and back, once a week Leave Bosland Tuesday at 1 ni Arrive at ca*wker City next dayjy 6pm; Leave ca*wker City Thursday at 7 a Arrive at Bosland by 11 a m. 14247 From Beloit, by Salt Creek (n o), and Lincoln Centre, to Lllawortb, 50 miles and back, once a week. Leave Beloit Monday at 6 a Arrive at Ellsworth next day by 2 Leave Ellsworth Wednesday at tt a Arrive at Beloit next day by 2 m. 14243 From Roxb-ary to Marion Centre, 3C miles and back, once a week.

Leave Roxbury Monday at 6 a ra arrive at Marion Centre by 6 leave Marion Centre Tuesday at 6 a arrive at Roxbury by 6 nu 11249 From Bunker Hill to Zarah, 40 miles and back, once a week. Leave Bunker Hill Monday at 6 a arrive at Zarah by 7 leave Zarah Tuesday at a arrive at Banker Hill by 7 m. 14250 From Elk City, byColfax, Farmersburg, Centre, and Spring Creek, to Cedarvale, 40 miles and back, once a week, Leave Elk City Monday at 6 a arrive at Cedarvale by 7 leave Cedarvale Tuesday at Gam; arrive at Elk City by 7 m. 14251 From Greenville, by Oakland and Ionia, to Athens, 33 miles and back, once a week. Leave Greenville Monday at 7 a arrive at Athens by 6pm; leave Athens Tuesday at 7 a arrive at GrennvillA hv A lizo rrom ejeweii, uy Aurora ana Springfield, to Beloit, 15 miles and back, once a week.

Leave Jeweil Saturday at 1 arrive at Beloit by 12 leave Beloit Saturday at 1 a arrive at Jewell by 6 pm. 11253 From Jewell, by Delta City, to White Rock, 27 mile and back, once a week! Leave Jewell Friday at 9 a arrive at White Keck by 6 leave White Rock Saturday at a arrive at Jewell by 3 m. 1124 From Jewell, by Jewell CeDtre, BurrOttk, and Amity, to Red Cloud (Nebraska), 35 miles and back, once a week. Leave Jewell Thursday at 7 a ni; arrive at Red Cloud by 7 leave Red Cloud Friday at 7am: arrive at Jewell by 7 m. 142i5 From Jewell, by Oakland, White Mound, and Amity, to Red Cloud (Nebraska), 50 and back, once a week.

Leave Jewell Wednesday at 1 ni; arrive at Ked Clood next day by 6 leave Red CIon4 Friday at 9 a arrive at Jewell next day by 1 m. Proposals invited to end at White Mound. 25 miles less. H256 From Perry, by Ozawkie, to Grasshopper Falls, 22 miles and back, once a week, leave Perry Monday at 2 arrive at Grass hopper Fails by 9 leave Grasshopper Falls Tueeday at 6 a ai arrive at Perry by 1pm. 14257 From Manhattan, by Oak Grove (n o), Johnson, Belle Garde, and Springs id to Frankfort.

42 and back, once a week. Leave Manhattan Monday at 6 am; arrive a Frankfort by leave Frankfort Tuoaday at Gam; arrive at Manhattan by 8 m. 1423 From Quenemo, by Michigan Valley and Richland, to Tec*mseh, 33 miles and back, once a week Leave Quenemo Monday at 6 a arrive at Tec*mseh by 5 leave Tec*mseh Tuesday at 7 a arrive at Quenemo by m. 14259 From Minneapolis, by Ailanthns, Ada, Milo, and Elmira, to ca*wker City ,60 miles and back, once a week. Leave Minneapolis Monday at 6 am; arrive at ca*wker City next day by 2 pm, leave ca*wker City Wednesday at 6 a arrive at Minneapolis next day by 2 m.

14200 From Micneapelis to Salina, 23 miles and back, once a week. Leave Minneapolis Fridav at 8 am: arrive at Salina by 4 leave Salina Saturday at 8a arrive at Minneapolis by 4 m. 14201 From MidMe Creek to Lincolnville, 21 miles and ba k. once a week Leave Middle Cietk Monday at 6 a arrive at Lincolnville by 12 leave Lincolnville Monday at 1 ui arrive at Middle Creek by 6 m. 142..2 From Mcmid City by Wall Strret and Oak wood to Gariiott, 0 miles and back, once a week.

Lenve Muiind City iriday at 7 a arrive at liurnt-tt b) in lt-ave Garnett Saturday at 7 am; arrive at Muuod City by 5 pm. 14263 From La Cygne, bv i-ady and Goodrich, to Gar- Iteii, ii' tuiif aim naca, once a wetl. Leave La Cygne Monday at 10am; arrive at (Jm net by Wave Garnett Tuesday at a in; arrive at La Cygne by 4 m. 142G4 From Fredoma by Jurett, to Elk City, 20 mile and oacK, once a wee. Leave tredouia Monday at 10 a arrive at Elk City by 5 leave Elk City Taosday it 8 a arrive at Fredonia by 3 m.

142G5 From Fredonia to Coyville, 12 in i leg and back, once a Leave Fredonia Monday at 8 am, arrive at Coyville by 12 leave Coyville Monday at 1 ni arrive at Fredonia by 5 m. H2GC From Humboldt, by Odense and Flat Rock, to Helper, miles and bars, gnce a week. Leave Humboldt Friday at 8 a arrive at Helper by 6 leave Helper Saturday at 8 a arrive at iluaiboldt by 6 m. 14267 From Independence, byGraitoaend Centre, to Cloverdale, 46 miles and back, once a week. Leave Independence Monday at 6 a arrive at Cloverdale by 8pm; leave Cloverdale Tuesday at 6 a arrive at Independence by 8 m.

142G3 From Independence to Ciney, 23 miles and back, once a week. Leave Friday at 8 am; arrive at Caney by 4 ni leave Caney Saturday at 8 a arrive at Independence by 4 m. 14209 From Ncodesha, by Stenerton and Jurett, to lxmgton, ii mues ana back, once a week. Leava Neodesha Monday at 6 a arrive at a arrive at by 12 leave Lou ton Monday at arrive at Aeodetha by 7 Bl. 14270 From London, by Farmersbnrg.

Grafton and Mt. ernou, to rn, -o mites and back, ottce a week. Leave Long ton Wednesday at 9 a arrive at Pern by leave Pern Tuesday at 9 a in arrive at Longton by 6 nx. 14271 From Kirwin, by Tmesdell and Deeverville, to Prairie Uog City fn o) and back, once a week. Bidders wilt state distance and propose schedule.

14272 From Kirwin to the western line of the State and back, once a week. Bidders will state distance and propose bed ale. 14273 From Sirwin np Deer Creek, by Phillittsbnre Cn o), to Lrong xsiana, ou nines and bacc, once a week. Leave Kirwin Friday at a arrive at Lone IsUuil by leara Lo: Islind Saturday at a ui arrive at n.irw.n oy 4 jo. 14274 From New Scandinavia, by White Rock, Green viile White Monad, Sweeny's Rancbe Ballard, and Gay lord, to Hays City, 175 miles and back, once a week.

Leave New Scandinavia Monday at 6 a ar rive at bays City Friday by 4 leave Hays city at a zn arrive at Scan din a vis Friday by 4 nx. 14275 From HaysCity, by Emma- Tilte no), and Waterloo a o), to lurt Kearney. and back once a week. Bidders will state distance and propose schedule. 14276 Frcm Rnsell, by Osborne, Gaylord.

and Bal lard, to ftea cioua, llu miles and back, once a week. Lure Russell Monday at 6 a arrive at Red Cloud Wednesday by 6 ra lave Ked Cloud Thursday at (jam; arrive at Russell Saturday ny m- 14277 From Russell, by Paradise Creek (n o), Cavert Creek (b o) Osborne, Gaylord, Ballard, Covington, and Waterloo (a o), to Fort Kearney, Set, 15o miles and back, once a week. Lv RnsaeU Monday at 6 a arrive at Fort Kearney Thursday by 6pm; leave Fort Kearney Friday at a arrive at Rasecll Monday by 0pm. Pruposals invited to end at Franklin, 45 miles leas distance. 11275 From Osborne, by Con Bell's Rch fn o), and Ruasaell to ZanUi acd back once a week.

Bidders will state distance and propose schedo le. Proposals invited to begin at Russell, omitting Osborne and Connell's Ranche. 14279 From Wichita, by Bell Plain, Oxford and OFFICERS OF ATCHI505 COCSTT. BOAiD OT COUHTT C0KIS9I0I8j L. Bnggs, Chairman, Dr.

J. V. Bryning and J. II. Fitzratri-k-c*nta.

BotuB Gale. Darid Baker. SKiurf. Owen K. fc p.

KaoisTsE of Dxsds. i. O. Feebler. Clikc or thi District ComtTj Abram tavs.

Paosats Jorx. S. A. Frazier. COUHTT ArionisT.

8 H. 6 qd BciviTos John Weodworth. BopuirtuDixT 1btooiio J. Kemsbnrg. Coaoiriy ffm.

Hills. Ofticm op im CouifTT In the Oocrt House, cornet of FiXO- and Parallel streets, Atchison. CITT OFFICERS OF ATCUiSOS. Mstosl Edward K. Blair.

Clxsk- A. W. Wagenhals. Pouca Jupes Aiel epaldiLg. Arroansr.

Darid Martin. XnoutSKE. John Woodworth. V. Jtllich.

Maiu il. Philip Weber. ASSI9TA3TT MARSHAL T. T. gafforj.

A ana Jir.a i. B. Luck. WfliRF Mastir. J.

J. Ertlett- 0OVHCILME1V. irf Ward Clem. Bobr and Wm. BeOTille.

Second Ward.Q. B. VV bite and W. third Wnrd. eo.

Btoich and J. S. Uoi. Jovrth Ward. R.

8 Andrewaand Saml. McClellen. fpicss of ths Citt pioneer Hook and Laller BrildiLg, corner of Ka. At. and N.

fourth GENERAL. Over 22,000 white" children ia Sjulh Carolina do cot attend any school. A company has been organiz dn Troy to work a coal mine in PaDama. A large cargo of Maryland coal was shipped to Halifax, N. S-, on tbe 1 5th iust.

There is a rumor that Mr. Teiinjson 13 going to write another poem. A Massachusetts State constable stopped the sale of prize candy at a charitable fair in New Bedford, last week, as a palpable violation ot the law. The new Mi3soari Senator pronounces his name Bo-jte, with tbe accent on the last syllable. Tom Benton once 6nid Lis name ought really to be called Bujua.

The "Anglo-Spaniel' SnanisLip Com panv has been orzarji*zed in New to run to Barcelona via Liverpool and the Mediterranean, touching at Havana. Already, since the bgiuLim of have been reported the wreck of sixteen ships, twenty fourteen barks, twelve britrs and twenty-nine schooners. Chief Justice Dixon, of the Suprem Court of Wisconsin, is about to resign because of the inadequacy of the salary paid him. He bus held ibe office twelve yea.M. A surprising dttcr'-ase in pauperism in England, is shown by the last half yearly return.

Tins year lher-j are in England and Wales 91,4.32 Il-wt paupers than thtre were last year. General Joe Shtlby much disjusled by the defeat of Frank Blair, and proclaims his intention to 0 on the oibcr side, with the progressive, the Republican party." The discovery has recently been made that gun cotton will explode as readily when damp, or even saturated with water, as when dry, the only condition necessary to its explosion being its connection with a a portion of the dry substance. rioiior in 10 Bryan'8 Pulmonic Wafers Cnr Coughs, Colds, ABthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Difficult breathing, Incipient Consumption and Lung Diseases. Ttioy have no taste of medicine, and any child will tike them. Thousand have been restored lo health that had before deepaired Testimony given in hundreas of cases.

Ak for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers. Price 35 c-nts. Oil Proprietor, 18 Cortlandt street, New York. The Great rreiicli Keaituy. DEIAMARBETS SPECIFIC, Prepared by J.Garanciere, No.

214 ttue Lombard, Parif. These Pills aro highly recommended by the entire Medical Faculty of France, are the very bent r-niecy in all cases of Spermatorrhoea, or Weakness i Nightly, Daily or Ircmaturc Emissions; gexual VV eak-ness or Impotmcy; Weaknens arising Iron, Secret Habits and Sexual Excesses; of the Genital Organs; Weak tSpine Deposits in the Urine; aud ail the ghastly train of Symptoms arising from Overuse or excesses. They cure when all other remedies fail Pamphlet of Advice in eact? box, or will be sent tree to any address. lriee 81 per Box. Sent by mail, securely sealed from all observation, on teceii't of price OSCAR t).

MOSES 18 Cortlandt street, New York, Mole General Agont fur America septo ti'-vly BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! mo HfntrCO' 8IK JAMES CLAREK'S JUtt mUOtO 1 Ell A LB ara exteostvely counUTfeiicd. Dishonest Druggints ndeavor to sell the counterteirs to make greater pruf-l. The genuine have the name or Jvl Mosrs on each package All otbe 8 are worthless iuiitatious Tbe jmnw Pilla are unfailing in the cute of ull thoae painful and dangerous dirieases td which the female constitution ia subject The moderate all excetaea and remove all obatructious, from whatever caue. TO MARRIED LADIES they are particularly uite4. They will in a st.wrt time bring on the monthly period with regularity and although vory powerful, contain uothiiin hurtfiij to tbe coiiHtitution.

In all caws ol imrvituri and spinal affections, paina in tlie la- and limbf. iliirht extrtiou. naluitatiou ol the heart, hywtericsarjd Uites, they will enect a cure wtien an omr uji-hiib have failed. The circulars around each Ktvkace give full directions aud advice, or will be sent free to ail writing for thrnn, Jiealt from observation. N.

h.r In all canes wlirre the genuine cannot oe oo- tained, one dollar enclosed to tbe ole proprittor. Job Moses, IS Cortlandt street. New York, will mmre bottle of the genuine, pills, ty retnrti mail, secun-Iy staled from any knowide "i contents. MiVGrtTiriH ti CUN D'U A GO! Lili erana uiuotl E5M; r. This wonderful ronieily, recently ititro.luced by Messrs J.AC.

Magaire, drnirisla, teoud ana Olixe streets, far excels any ineslieiue hitherto in use, aitd has met with moat rapid sale. It is entirety vegetal. if. contains no spirits ol any kind, and epenu ally on the liver as blue mass or calomel, without any danger resulting from taking. It operates Ireelyeu the bowels, without pain or griping, denuding the stomach and purging away tile, and is ul-o a g.H blood purifier.

Many of our friends and acquaintances have taken it, and all speak in the highest terms of commendation. Oar readers would do well to make a trial of this great specilic when needing a medicine, and they will flud that we have not overestimated its value. Missouri I'frtuicrat, January 31, 187i. MAGUIRE'S BENNK PLANT This extraordinary medicinVth fame of which is spread broadcast throughout the country, is undoubtedly superior to any remedy ever offered to the public for the-jcom plaints lor which it is intended. We bave in our JsaessioQ testimonials furnished voluntarily by Col.

ong, late Chief Topographical Kngnner Washington, Jen. Fits Henry Warren, tien Pteasanton, and others of the army, Father le-8met, the celebrated Indian Missionary also, officers of the Navy Surgeons, Hospital Stewards, coniroaud-rs of nearly every steamer plying on the Mississippi and tributary rivers, wrn sanitary an christian commission, army chaplains, and othars to numerous to mention Likewise highest econiums of the press, praising its valuable medicinal qualities in the highest terms, No other medicine has such recora-meudations, rf MAGU1RB, Sole Proprietors, Southwest corner of Olive and Fecond streets. St Ixmiis, Mo. and sold by Druggists and Medicine deal ers evervwehre AUI.VlS Fuller A Fnller, Tan Schaack, Steven-sou A Reul, Cbicago: Rice A Kmug, Milwaukee: McKesson Hub in son, Ul and 93 Fulton street, New Y'ork seo--tdly ALLEX4 TODD, AGKXTS Aichistm Ks. THOUSANDS OF COMMON SC'JOOLS are about to adopt and sing from Cheerful Voices our New, Genial, Bejctiful, Popular JCVEMLI.

SONG BOOK. By O. Kmerson. Whole armies el Teachers aud Children have be delighted with tbe same anther's 'violden Wreain" and "Merry and cannot brtier than to unite their with cur cheenu! voices" iu singing from the new book, whicli they will pronounce Better than tbe Reft of previous Trie" -s-vct. A rare good Pong.

MEETING i-0. The American Tune This Katiocal Wort contain A THOUSAND TI KS, which, after careful inspection. competent musicians decided to be th most popular vnes published during tb last half Cectary All tiie well proved favrius are in lUiicJ, and cor.e cmitttsd. Price, A pathetic and 1eantilul ittTuniental pe, IT 13 DON The abve Kfoks and pieces sent, poet-paid, on ol retail price. OLIVER PITav CO Beaton.


We have removed our stables to the stables and yards known as Scovilte Smith's LuniHrr Yards litre we will be pleased to receive Omiaibufl Calls. and after the loth day of October, M0LLT0X SMITH, dtf Frvp's. AGXXTd WANTED I want a lew live busioea mei to act as general Agents in each county inrpaahont tha "tn "tlffiffi i. Jfe Every Stove Dealer Who EVERY Iii A ri, Woman or Child Who desires he.lth by gnod liTing, 1 Iny on of the celebrated CHARTER OAK i 6 STOVES, Ask Your Tinner For Tliern It' he doea not hive an send your order to Excelsior Mannfact'g Company SAINT X.OUIS.1 Wliolosalfl in all kixids tf Tinner' Stock tS and all I ire Stove dealers like A. Alehisou.

augtt deodwlw Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For tlie rrlit-f nnd cure of all in Hit' tuiitaoh, liv-t'f. and bowcN. 'Miry are a mil 1 rit'iil, ami an v. 1 11 i.t pui'Ka-. c.

Heine liurc- Iv thr etr roiiiain no liii i'- i-itrv or mineral v. liati'vcr. Mtn-li si. ami i prev i-iiieii i. tiuu'lv n-f: and t-vni family should liavo tliviu'on hand lor tln-ii proti-i-tion and rt'Iici', ivhi'ii I.oiii.' has proved lo 1J the salV-t, iHirent, and Lc-t ol' all the J'7 with which tne lnarkut abotiii'l. use, the blood is I'unncd. tin corruptions of the system expelled, obstruction tvniovcd, and the wlmlo ma. li.iurv of life restore.l to ii healthy atliv-itv. Internal orpins which become clopsred and siui-h are cleansed by I'ill. and into action.

Thus incipient is chained into health, the value of which chamre, when reckoned on the vast multitudus ho enjov it, can hardly be coin-puted. Their makBs them plea.ant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for anv length of time, so that tliev are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. searching, they arc mild, and operate wiihout tlistui bonce to Hit: uouatiiutiuii or tliet or occupation. ull directions are piven on the wrapper to each box. how to use them as a Family rbvs'te, and for ihe following complaints, which the ills rapidly cure: For 19yieirtia or iMlijreation.

Lancaor, anil of ittM-. ie. they should be taken mo. let ait Iv io stimulate the toniacli, and rt-store its healthy tune and action. lor Liver Complaint and ils various scmptonis, JUkliourf lleailix-be, lirailat lie.

Juiinilice or B.reen Nick itiliuuH Colic and Itilioit IV. i-r. they should be Judieiouly taken lor each to correct the diseased aetion. or remove the tdistructions whicii it. Fur ltywoncery or IVarrkijcu, bid ulie mild dose is jrenerally iiuired.

For out. of tile i. in tlie laiile. Hark, and tln-y i -f be continuonlv fts rtiuin-t the diseased action of tbe Willi mi.

-I, chancre those coinplaints dtsaptear. For I)ropr and Jrpi-iil Sint-U-inir. thev should ba taken in larire nml fi e-qnent closes to produce Uic effect of a For Snpprlon. a lartredoe Bhnnld l.f taken, it protluces the desired effect by vmtiathv. "As .1 jitnner Till, take one or two nils lo promote di-'etion, and relieve the stomach.

An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and restores tbe appetite, and mviiri'i -tttea the svstem- Hence it is often advantageous where nf. serious derangement cxi-t. line who feels tolerably well, often llnds that a doe of these fills makes him feel deci.l-edlv better, from their cleansimr and renovating ellwct on the digestive apparatus. rttF.rAUED El" Dr. J.

C. AYEK Practical ChemistJ, LOWELL, U. S. A. iOll SALK BY AM, T.r.IS 1 3 EVKRVWBERC M'PIKE ALLEKj AeiilM, Atrtiison Ks SPECIAL FUVOBffiGS, VAX ILL A.

IEXQS- ETC, Far ria'orinn Ice Cream, Cakes Paitry. i Ciic, Wf -v: li'itn til'- s.l -t i-'fri'i iin.i AfK.ii'.;':-.-. ll rirtrrt'-'-risii" 1'avor, rare rxtcUt.i'-r. 'jr. nt utr.i.iiih ptrj.

'-t ptrr.t,, is. F.itr:i X'i i.l I'ii. tn.r-Ji.ilf thill huiii. nne g.icn'it'. 1,1 ijth.r.

The jl.icirs ci i Ask .1 In. i I. poli, CiliCAGO and ST. LOUIS. Mi.i:f..

1'irtrt Price's Cna.a. P.akii.;;,: ANDREW WELTE Sioves and Tinware Chtvpir than anyyit in J'. ius'-n. IT''S Remember tbat "Welte kepl on liaal Bi5u fclurcs feTerytliiiig in ihe i'lirwar, line. Storeroom Nontb Siila 'oijiinerII.

Bet.Tthand Sth Bta.) marftlwtf Atclllsioii. Xan. jr. mm T'. FR0TLS201IB.

tintter per 20.25 20S25 71U AiJ'aoO isi 11 Zi g8 per dozen per pound Polatoe per Ham pet lOuad Baouidra per ponno Oi-'r aiu-" Spring chickens per 2 ATCHISON LTJMBKR HARK 1 T. co*kSBOTBD Bt HIX0N CO. PINK LUMliKK, lit Cieir 1'inilt 1 1 tie ilrt-seJ 1 Bide, per ft, ttiTi.tJO iiO.OOfeSO OiJ 35.0I. (W o2 60 to 0U 45 (U o7 32 50 $J7 50(147 00 1 (1Hu30 00 2 20 CO 22 (XJ laoj-27 5U 25 00 27 50 4 75 4 00 J2 oo 500 jl to 1 75 2 IK. to 'J.

25 2 25 to 2 50 1 50 to 2 fell in. i ia baa, i'J 12 in, Corumon bds. n.x:l wiilb. A or iTing ur 'd A iu or 2d Yell'W pine in piLe tiling Ciei." hidlLg tll L-Pied A 11 Kouh pine boards aid fencing 2U.J Joist A Bcantling, 13 ft 4 under B-t star or A biiiijgleB.warranted 2J ijiial. No 1 or ouitnon l.atb 1 'iwnrs 2 CiC 1 in Uiiv e.

4 I'-i 4 2-bX'; i 2 5Xli-5 KiJLlVS LCUBKB. OJaasc-rxi' sr 9. W. GILLBSF1BA Co lrst claea Boarda and FenciRg, per ftr $20 00 dimensions under la Xt 00 2u ft. anu over 8ecoid class Boards aud Fencing, claas, 'Jottoswoeo bfiinglea, per Uottonwood Lath, per jl MaU-iisj tiooriug, treaHed Picket-i, rocgh, per thousand one Biae, double drtsaod.

25 00 14 00 12 Ou 2 2i 3 00 30 00 27 60 20 00 80 00 L. OOMBJOTA. C. M. aBGSflBF 0.

C. OR 0OKMGH Cnhauiiled Teas, perdo2n Dinner piutos, a inch, per Breakiast Plates, 7 inch, per wuiTS GaAirx uxsT udauit, Unbandled Teas, per dol. Colin Handied iVi, Cottees, Dinner i'iates, per doz nreaklttt 7 foa Pie Sauce 4 Kwers acd Basins, 9s per Ooverea Chambers, 9s $1 20 1 6U 1 60 1 90 1 40 1 25 1 10 1 to 80 18 00 12 00 15 00 9 00 7 Oo 8 00 3 75 6s r.s 12s 24a ol-s Pltctem, 'i 85 to .72.00 ier doten. Gobleta dtz.on. Glass fietts Irom ILv to Tumblers iTOUl to 51.2..

j.orstu ATCHISON HAEDWARE MABKIT. OCEilfflf ET HARBOURS. uu. tlunt'e pur Mtnu'e 8t wart's Cbft'ns. Trae Ox, pel lt, per Kails, ptr keg, fclurrit o.

osb, j-ef ne? Iiod, t-H p'r it- Qfti id rouutJ plows, each prairie ilreakilUi; i-iows, aiiigie shovel j'loWri, double aiiiKlo Machln- CniLmed lUiaper aud iioisv Allies, Utiw Is nil's Spade-, Afi'W feD'Jf- por ijureBinj-v. p-r Muie $14 OS. t4 oo 13 tO 85 913 ami 6 oo 8 oo 22jv30 6 6 fKi65 15 00 13 tiC 14 00 16 40 00 9 00 FCHi-llTUKH. faIC'TNil ST B.B. tflCXlkOItA CO.!!. Be'lteawrt ViuttrOBKCH, O'nairs, Beit, T.ihles, itreaklit, Diuing. Lounges, single, 3 0v(c)10 00 4 Goto) 8 00 4 00jil2 00 4 00(gi 6 50 7 60...10 00 JO 00(Si20 00 4 00( 4 56 5 00(g 8 00 3 50o10 00 lo 0025 Ok 60(a18 00 3 00 8 00 5 00 double iVaih stands, llureau, Ospboard ud Baiea. Oriba Belt I'ai- lit i.m Ileskj ZTKA AND PARLOR SITS. Bedsteads, Mltrennes each, i -i Luuiirfea.

Ibir.v.o-, Marble Top. S.ic ....11 00 ...20 MMi.40 00 5 HuiBl6 00 00 ...15 Citiik30 00 (ab 00 oo ,...75 io.i ATJIKB. k. Vl' Bf S11IK linftalo. Oak, i'ss l.eatii 6 45 42(a S0(to3' 4cJt78 EOCiiflK) 2iii2 Hai: Call, cr.

Oak per dozen. onnnor Freml CoHllll. rrenc skills Kip; 8 bee KI0F.S, TALLOW AND WOOL. I1IDE3 Dry Flint, per Green, Ss-lted TALLOW per lb 50 'i CONOVE JNTo, 723 lVIaiii Kansan C'tly, JMo PSALKRS IX Chickering Sl Sons' HAINES and ARBEflAH'S MA3IXIX, TATTjOII a aPIPvTXjSTsT Sht-et Mu-ic. lDsTrGton Mrvrtin Gn'tars, Lrrai3 J'aiian Violin, and Sr-anish (initar Onr Pmco and Oreans are tbe hienest swnoard of Xcflier.c ther-ba.

ing been manntctnred and toid up to tty tbe above named firms lld.OOO instrn- ments. Tbe prices on the same having been lately reduced 25 per combined with the terms of sale (fav moiithlv iiiral'mentft) make it poible for all to tain a FCKST-CLASs INSTKL'MliNT. Price on Pac fr-m to $1200; on Organs from $oQ to it-fat f.on guaranteed. Correspondence ao- ncited. liiQ-traiea cataioirae and price lints sent on appr cation.

Jtespecuuuy. apJditaw-wly C0N0VKR BROS, Felix KrAtntr, Travelino; Agent. ALBERT FULLER, Druggist Dcntia HOLTON. KAVStR MA3C Ma ptAaLI. ST VLC F.

ORGANS ClOlN'li EAST. Ex Accom.dn jalj.Oh, rutt'i, million. A. M. 6 10 I it 1 tralia.

44 01 umg, rmati. 14 11:11 1 12: "'H 1 12 i 1:24 1. lore, twaka, Co tali. 31 Kill 7S imXi H2 n6 87 11:10 11:37 1 100 112:00 ngbanf-. hrovia, -ntngtoo.

T9 at Ate: TIIK MOST COMfLETB AND PHORTK Tfl -KOUTB TO T11K VALLKVS OK THK'fc -Slinon, THE Kepult-- -ilcan, AND Ulucrit ersinK a portion of conntry nneqnaled Ueautr of Scenery, Fertility of Soil, and litalth- uef of Clnnato. '-CHEAl' AND DES1KABLE FARMINQ LANDS ofitiguoufi to tbe Koad, and are offered for aale by Company on long credit, and at prices ranging from HI to per acre. i. KB and UoTernment Pre-emption witbi'i accede. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS.

6 and Accommodation will hare Pamenger attacbd for tbe convenience cf paaeongera been Atcliiwu and Witinore. 0 nuri t1 F.lJinicham, with Daily Line of i.oi for (iRASSH vl'l'tKf ALLS ANDTOFKKA. Nctnu aka, witli a laily Line of Coaches for Ottlrnllfk, with a Daily Line of Ooaohe I TNEO. (r rRi.Ulort, with a Daily Line of Coacbes fca W. F.

DOWXS, sncrai fiuptrintend tut and Land Commiesioner. I'l RITV 4nsTREXOTn I is Unequaled. -i-4e who use it liLe it, rtn -iniiiPrM. it to thfir iloorfl far purity, IiaU it ity anrt f('m'my. tor Uy nil lirocer, itn 1 A.

it. tfyinns, wholfaly ji-IXJL bio Olivo Woap ittr-riiil-i nu liicely inirlum of orJitiary suap, buy it, you wil e-r Iihvw it. i rj VVlinlodftle Agrntti. tnhr. i Jil'i taasas racmc lianway i Direct 1 only all rail llout TO iwt, tirorgttotrn Goldtn Ct'v, I.onimont, Central City, Colorado Spry? Villa La Font, Chftenjief Lak? City Keno, Sacramento San Francisco.

(io spring. all pointrt iii Kansns, ColornJo, the Territorle Hud oil the Pacific Ciut. omnibus or ferry trausfen by thii route. run -daily, and accommodation trains ran daily, (Sunday 'ted.) leave Leavenworth frolng vest ire- p. m.

Mml Topeka accommo- 4 p. nu eengeni taking this popular route will make close -ctioua as follows. lAwrence, Topka and Junction City with rail- ur mn in cuuiuitu naueiu. Oarson with the Southern Overland Eipres Oo Hue of coaches for PuMo. Fort Union, Fe; Tan, Alhu-qnerque, Trinidad.

Ias Vejcas, ruces, Silver City, and all points in New Mexico tritona. Denver, with Passoneer and Kxprees Coaches and with Colorado Central railroad otral (jiold-pn City, eic. for Ogden, Salt Lake. Pan Francisco' .11 point in Califiruia and the Ttrritoriee. 'man's Palace Slipping Cars KttAched to night Tnini.

aud ruu through between Kan ty and LV-uvt-r. acrea ofch-Mce farmiti-; lands for sale itww to mx dollars per acre. For particulars 8 J. P. DevtTcux.

Land Commiseioiier. Lawrence General uperlnUndent. iel Raiis! Double Track 3ALHM0RE OHIO R. I otnv route by hicU 1 oldrrs throrch to ork and ae sit i tun of 1LTIMOKE, PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK, and BOSTON i I cost of a ticket to New York or Uoeton onlr with the privilege of visiting Washington City IF8 H3 Is tfce only route from the to Washington City. a Ion and tediona omnibus tranifer through lialttmore.

Jooly route running magnificent day cars aud ViW Pinin r. r. Room and Sleeping Cars Cincinnati and Columbus to and Washington SVIAfclHOOD! IpgI a CARRIAGE! rv.waaLoi.w&v. Tha 1 to, br nature c-iuif au4 ears dicoverii in tns icieuee ot K-prodactioo, etc. exjv B-t'iL ICxciTEiiKFT, Hs BurtM! (ffecia, with ndful fttxi-Ai, ExHH In middle or old me, fr'm wbiwwr etDM, and vbitcia be done in frach case.

About on tbe fur. Why our people are prrmaturtiy infirm. All batibedonbtfnlorluq'iiiiiiva wisn to know. Thi- coatai.iuformvioa tbit tbe MARRIED, or tboe cos. tmplatimo MiHJtimi houi4 be a- qnainted wiib, a trn JJhkigb (it'ii.

ant PmrA-ra Seat to any a-2tites. Beenreiy eld, p- for io cent by DOCTOR WH1TTIER, 617 St. Charles St St. Lonis. Mo.

Ths moil Buccfiful rptrialist nf the a7. wo hat ru-ci a Uf iptcial attent'on to the tnatment of all cie t-iorii7 to th ahoro, andh-f vrn longer locateoJ tfciti f.7.rFi.; J-ti Phyl nun- Reid his works and juae for yourself. Cy 'terUitl i-atwurartrtM perH.nj or by maU tret, an THE "LIGHT "DOMESTIC" vfm ft: A BKiT TO isE." EASIET TO SELL." S. Aeents: Tt don't Dav von to the best machine. i Prove our 1 a i ni a.

Oet he aceucy acd Bell ir. ddres it 9G ChamterB Btreet, Kew Ynrk, or Jm ALT. 2T.orc ilea 4f a i i rnRESDiSLtetSOf TOT, BLOOD In tbe wondrfnl ratiflicine to the a-e above pointed f-lff. th iicve he has comhincd in harmony more ol Kifire' rnort BovcrcigTl prr.j.ertie', w'nch God into tLe forheaUat the ficlc tiian were evrbefir ombiad ia one The evidence of ti. fact frand in cr-ml vnr.uyof aiwt daeae waicn it to conquer.

Ia the cure of li-oiifhitln, Severe the -ari roiifcmr- tion, it tt.e 1 e-n-aent pronr.itce it tfwTerr of 13-? ir iTrt Ojti 't Ifcp parif'e blood. By 1" lt iu r-n-ija Wl it Hamor, Irvn --t Srofnla to nnan BlotcU, implc, t.r Lrli.tirr. di'-a-e.

M.E"J n-l eraiicated, rd h-tlm ta.i poa-i-Tc-natifivoa Krjipda, Silt Rb'om, i'eTer Scaly or Ila-xsh Skin, i fa-jrt. t-i ti-e bv bid liio. ni. ere rl hy tia noerv-U piri'viaj aid invito- e. If ia ft-M dtill, irow-v.

i. ps of rtin. cr r. fi-3orbiiv, fA-ia-it ro.n.r.f We ia m-ia'h, lite rail or a n.n:- i tr'-rfA. l-fl'r a- r-l T' z.i:" jz ii-i Torpitl J.iicr i II i iruv I CompIV.tll" c-Jr Srt ol rrptoT; i vl i f'-r -n.

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azo. r. iiiiri, arfoT3l toeoni'ttlve and Marfaine W. Q. iILT.

Forltf. i. 1 ca I I Ilk Itn (1 1 I fl-f I Ml wM. IK A 1 11 I -IBM. 1 I 1.

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Jf n.OBi:.iT Me riuiCTiAST TAiLoa, sitAaoouNKa aialaud ourtU itraau, Aichiatxi, rv4 X1T0. fi.

The Atchison Daily Champion from Atchison, Kansas (2024)


What is the population of Atchison Kansas in 2024? ›

Atchison County, Kansas's estimated 2024 population is 15,979 with a growth rate of -0.23% in the past year according to the most recent United States census data.

Who was the founder of Atchison Kansas? ›

Founded in 1854 by a group of proslavery settlers, it was named for their leader, David Rice Atchison, a U.S. senator from Missouri. It developed as a focus for rail and river traffic, and in 1859 a charter was granted for the Atchison and Topeka Railroad, making Atchison an important railroad town.

What is Atchison Kansas known for? ›

With over 20 sites on the National Register of Historic Places, Atchison reveals its glorious heyday through its impressive Victorian-era architecture and with five museums that showcase its diverse history, railroad heritage, Victorian past, art and Amelia Earhart legacy.

What is the altitude of Atchison, Kansas? ›

What is the black population in Atchison Kansas? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Atchison, KS are White (Non-Hispanic) (82.5%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (6.02%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (5.47%), Two+ (Hispanic) (1.99%), and Other (Hispanic) (1.19%).

What is the largest population in Kansas? ›

Wichita is the largest city in the state of Kansas and the 48th-largest city in the United States, with a population of more than 389,000. The estimated population of the Wichita metropolitan area is 650,000.

Who originally owned Kansas? ›

Before European colonization, Kansas was occupied by the Caddoan Wichita and later the Siouan Kaw people. Tribes in the eastern part of the state generally lived in villages along the river valleys. Tribes in the western part of the state were semi-nomadic and hunted large herds of bison.

Who has the smallest presidential library? ›

The World's Smallest Presidential Library

Atchison, a pro-slavery Democrat, was a senator from Missouri who was consumed by the Kansas issue – if the new state of Kansas would be a free-state or allow the extension of slavery.

Who was born in Atchison Kansas on July 24 1897? ›

Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897, in Atchison, Kansas, in a house her grandfather, Judge Alfred G. Otis, built in 1861. Because her father, an attorney who worked as a claim's adjuster for a railroad, travelled a lot for his job, Amelia and her sister, Muriel, spent a lot of time with their grandparents.

Is Atchison KS a good place to live? ›

It's a great place to raise a family. It is a family oriented town there are many activities to do throughout the year.

What BBQ is Kansas known for? ›

Kansas City-style barbecue is all about the sauce: a rich, sweet, thick, tomato-based concoction that perfectly complements smoked meats. Kansas City is also famous for its burnt ends, which are crispy, flavorful chunks of meat cut from the point end of a smoked beef brisket.

How old is Atchison Kansas? ›

Atchison was incorporated as a town by the Territorial Legislature on August 30, 1855, and incorporated as a city on February 12, 1858.

What is the highest town in Kansas? ›

Welcome to the city with the highest elevation in Kansas - Kanorado! The city is right along the Kansas-Colorado state line, hence the name Kanorado. The town is in Sherman County, making it a part of the mountain time zone. Kanorado is also quite small with only about 150 residents in total.

Is Atchison Kansas a small town? ›

Atchison is a city and county seat of Atchison County, Kansas, United States, along the Missouri River. As of the 2020 census, the population of the city was 10,885.

What part of Kansas has the highest elevation? ›

Blending in with the surrounding High Plains landscape, the optimistically named Mount Sunflower in Wallace County is hard to spot on the horizon. Yet at 4,039 feet above sea level, it holds the distinction of being the highest point in Kansas.

Is Kansas population increasing? ›

Kansas's population increased 9 out of the 12 years between year 2010 and year 2022. Its largest annual population increase was 0.9% between 2019 and 2020. The state's largest decline was between 2016 and 2017 when the population dropped 0.1%.

Is Kansas City growing fast? ›

Two of the fastest growing and most affordable cities in the U.S. are in the KC area. National sites are taking notice of Kansas City's growth and affordability. The city was recognized by GO Banking Rates, a national personal finance resource, for being one of the most affordable and fastest-growing cities in America.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.