Career lows: the worst films these actors ever made (2024)

© NL Beeld

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'Miss Congeniality 2' - Sandra Bullock-

Sandra Bullock has shone from end to end of her career, but even Hollywood's brightest stars have their dark moments.

The 2000 movie 'Miss Congeniality' is a rom-com classic for the ages, but the 2005 sequel, 'Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous,' didn't pack quite the same punch. Bullock was asked if she would ever consider making a third installment in the series, to which she answered "God no! No, no." She went on to say that 'Miss Congeniality 2' should never have been made in the first place. The only upside was getting to work with Regina King, of whom she said: "I just freaking adore."



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'Speed 2' - Sandra Bullock-

Speaking in an interview alongside her 'Lost City' co-star Daniel Radcliffe, Bullock also said that she is "still embarrassed" by the 1997 film 'Speed 2: Cruise Control,' People reports. She has been vocal about the film making "no sense," since it's about a slow boat heading slowly towards an island. When the interviewer shared that he actually liked 'Speed 2,' Bullock jokingly asked if he was under the influence of drugs. She added that it was a film she wished she "hadn't done," and backed it up by saying that fans didn't like it. Radcliffe offered his opinion that the film had a quiet cult-like love, to which Bullock replied, "Very quiet."


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'Justice League' - Ben Affleck-

Ben Affleck opened up to the Los Angeles Times about his "awful" experience shooting 'Justice League.' "That was a bad experience because of a confluence of things: my own life, my divorce, being away too much, the competing agendas and then [director] Zack [Snyder]’s personal tragedy and the reshooting," he continued. "It just was the worst experience. It was awful." He added, "It was everything that I didn’t like about this. That became the moment where I said, 'I’m not doing this anymore.'" It seems he had a better time even with his 2003 flop 'Gigli'—the awkward rom-com co-starring Jennifer Lopez amidst their early noughties off-screen romance—a film which is often noted as one of Affleck's worst and made him "feel disappointed and have a lot of self-doubt." He told EW in an interview published January 11 that at least 'Gigli' led him to directing and, of course, J.Lo.

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'Superman IV: The Quest for Peace' - Christopher Reeve-

One of the most notoriously bad 'Superman' films in history, Reeve's fourth time playing the Man of Steel was just one time too many.



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'Jack and Jill' - Adam Sandler- Adam Sandler should have been hilarious when playing both a male and female role in this comedy,but instead he just ended up bombing twice over. Not even a cameo by Al Pacino could save the day.

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'The Adventures of Pluto Nash' - Eddie Murphy- Another notorious box office failure, this strange film about a nightclub on the moon confused audiences.

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'Mortdecai' - Johnny Depp- Quite simply one of the worst films of Depp's long career, 'Mortdecai' was a huge flop and garnered some of the most barbed reviews ever directed towards him.

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'The Lone Ranger' - Johnny Depp- Deppmakes this list again with'The Lone Ranger.' This movie was not only plagued with production glitches andgoing over budget, it was also highly criticized for Depp's role as a Native American.

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'Strip tease' - Demi Moore- Though her paycheck for 'Strip tease' was substantially high for female actors at this time, audience reaction to Moore's performance wasn't rich.

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'Batman & Robin' - Chris O'Donnell- Holy bad movie, Batman! As one ofChris O'Donnell's last major films, it looks like playing Robin in this cheesysuperhero flick froze his career faster than when he was iced in Gotham City.

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'Batman & Robin' - George Clooney- The Razzie Awards nominated George Clooney and costar Chris O'Donnell for Worst Screen Couple, which kind of sums up the critical scorn poured on this fourth installment of the Batman film series. Clooney himself later quipped,"I think we might have killed the franchise." Nevertheless, it was a modest box office success.

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'Aloha' - Emma Stone- There was plenty ofcontroversy surrounding this film, as Stonewas cast asa character of Hawaiian and Asian heritage. In other words, Hollywood was accused of whitewashing—again.

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'Catwoman' - Halle Berry-

This spin-off spun out of control. Aiming to be a Tim Burton 'Batman' type film, all audiences got was lingerie and poorly written dialogue.



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'Nine' - Daniel Day-Lewis- You wouldn't expect an actor of Day-Lewis' caliber to end up on a list like this. But hey, that's show business. A critical and commercial failure, 'Nine' required the 'Lincoln' actor to sing. However, the audience ended up whistling to a different tune.

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'A.I: Artificial Intelligence' - Haley Joel Osment- Child star Haley Joel Osment was owning Hollywood before this sci-fi film. While it received positive reviews from critics, audiences were confused by the '70s space plot. 'A.I.' was one of the last major film roles for the young actor.

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'The Perfect Score' - Scarlett Johansson- Johansson appears as part of an ensemble cast in this teen comedy-drama, a film that the Washington Postcalled a mix of'The Breakfast Club' and 'Mission: Impossible.'

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'Stay' - Ryan Gosling- Gosling's starwas rising in Hollywood when he appeared in thispsychological thriller. Unfortunately, he became guilty by association after the film was subjected to critical barbs such as this one from the Village Voice: "In [director]Marc Forster's humorless thriller, going insane is an exciting, luxurious affair."

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'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' - Sean Connery- Barely scraping a profit, this film about a group of civilians uniting to stop a rogue bomber is considered a bit of a bomb itself.

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'Against the Ropes' - Meg Ryan- Empiremagazine savaged the film, remarking that the "superficial screenplay and telegraphed direction mean it fails to pack the required punch." The film was a box office bomb. Ouch!

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'Star Wars' - Hayden Christensen- Playing Anakin Skywalker in 'Episode II' and 'Episode III' was no easy feat, and Hayden Christensen quickly learned that after the fury of negative reviews he received.

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'Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace' - Jake Lloyd- Poor 10-year-old Jake Lloyd received scathing reviews for his role in this 'Star Wars' film. In the 15 years since, the actor has only appeared in one other film.

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'Rock of Ages' - Tom Cruise- Rotten Tomatoes spared this musical comedy-drama a mauling, though it still described the film as "bland" and noted its "utterinconsequentiality." Cruise was however lauded for his performance... and his singing!

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'The Tourist' - Angelina Jolie- The lack of chemistry between Jolie and costar Johnny Depp didn't help, neither did a plodding script. Jolie rode out the generally unfavorable reviews, however, and the two stars had the last laugh: the film was a box office success.

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'Cutthroat Island' - Geena Davis- One of the biggest box office flops in movie history,'Cutthroat Island' made US$10 million against a US$98 million budget—ouch.

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'Lions for Lambs' - Meryl Streep- A plot that loses its way was one of the kinder remarks made by critics about this Robert Redford-directed war drama. Streep, together with Tom Cruise, did their best, but the negative reviewsoutweighedany chance of the film making a profit.

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'Suburbicon' - Matt Damon- Directed by George Clooney and scripted by the Coen brothers, this social satire, murder mystery had all the ingredients for a great film. Wrong. It flopped big time, with both Clooney's and Damon's careers suffering a rare misfire.

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'Gigli' - Al Pacino- 'Gigli' isn't just the worst movie for one actor, but two!Al Pacinoalso got panned for the film,as heappeared completely disinterested with all around him. The film lost a ton of money and has been chewed up and spat out by every critic who's sat through it.

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'The Ladykillers' - Tom Hanks- Hanks's acting credentials speak for themselves, but the two-time Oscar winner ended up in this poorly received film, despite having the Coen brothers at the helm.

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'Hot Pursuit' - Reese Witherspoon- Rotten Tomatoes rates it aridiculously low 7%. It seems like 'Hot Pursuit' came to a crashing halt while chasing more positive reviews.

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'Virtuosity' - Denzel Washington- Not one of Denzel's better efforts, but considering this sci-fi adventure tale was made in 1995, when few had heard of the term virtual reality, the movie holds uppretty well. It didn't, however, hold up at the box office.

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'Battlefield Earth' - John Travolta- This film not only flopped in theaters, but bankrupted a production company along the way.

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'Showgirls' - Elizabeth Berkley-

Our beloved 'Saved by the Bell'actresswent a little too wild with this poorly-rated film. Since 'Showgirls' flopped,Berkley has been far from the spotlight.


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'Excess Baggage' - Alicia Silverstone- After the wild success of 'Clueless,' audiences thought that Silverstone owned Hollywood. However, her production company's first and subsequently last film,'Excess Baggage,' was a major flop.

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'Woo' - Jada Pinkett Smith- In the '90s, Jada Pinkett Smith was one of the top actors to cast. Buther role in this film about a mismatched blind date put her leadinglady status on hiatus.

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'I Know Who Killed Me' - Lindsay Lohan- We know what killed Lindsay Lohan's career. In this twisted 'Parent Trap'-gone-wrong horror film, Lohan again plays a pair of twins who get abducted and tortured by a crazed serial killer.

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'Swept Away' - Madonna- While no one can say anything negative about Madonna's musical career in the '80s and '90s, her films are a different story. Her then-husband Guy Richiewrote and directed 'Swept Away,' which was dubbed one of the worst films of the year.

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'Waterworld' - Kevin Costner-

All of the franchise material in the world couldn't save 'Waterworld.' The post-apocalyptic plot that saw Costner living in a world where all the ice caps melted was lost on critics and audiences alike. Witha novel, a game, and three theme park rides to try to drum up enthusiasm, 'Waterworld' was flushed dry.


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'The Love Guru' - Mike Myers- While Mike Myers will forever be highly regarded in the world of comedy, 'The Love Guru' is a dark spot on his otherwise gleaming résumé. The worst part is that Myers starred in, produced, and directed it.

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'Basic Instinct 2' - Sharon Stone- God save the sequel. After the international success of the original 'Basic Instinct,' the 2006 follow-up was slammed by critics and audiences alike.

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'Town & Country' - Warren Beatty- Another rom-com gone wrong, this 2001 film lostit* studio over US$100 million.

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'Rollerball' - Chris Klein- This 2002 film was a notorious flop. Once thought to be an up-and-coming leading man,Klein's prominence fell with this obscure sports film.

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'The Beautician and the Beast' - Fran Drescher- Oh, word play. This film about a New York beautician who heads to eastern Europe to tutor a tyrant's children was trashed by critics, and sent Drescher to TV rather than film sets.

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'Iron Man' - Terrence Howard- Though 'Iron Man' is a great film, it wasn't for Howard. When audiences were only captivated by Tony Stark,Captain Rhodes lost that massive Marvel paycheck.

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'Snow Dogs' - Cuba Gooding Jr.- The reviews for 'Snow Dogs' were colder than the filming location. As one of his first films after his Oscar win,Cuba Gooding Jr. should have played out the success of 'Jerry Maguire' just a little longer.

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'Boat Trip' - Cuba Gooding, Jr.- Another disaster forCuba Gooding, Jr., this film about a straight man on a gay singles cruise sank in ratings.

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'Tooth Fairy' - The Rock- Despite the box office success, potentially due to the talent involved in the production, this film received generally unfavorable reviews. As for The Rock, his costume wouldn't have looked out of place back in the ring.

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'Collateral Beauty' - Helen Mirren- Helen Mirren and Will Smith joining up in this drama should have guaranteed this Christmas 2016 release success. So what went wrong? A lot was expected, but critics complained, calling it annoyingly silly.Despite this, it still doubled its money.

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'Jack Frost' - Michael Keaton- In this movie everyone forgets about until Christmas,Keaton comes back as snowman after dying in a car accident. However, in all fairness, 'Jack Frost' was made way back in 1998 and Keaton has since redeemed himself admirably.

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'Breakfast of Champions' - Bruce Willis- Made in 1999, this black comedy is generally regarded as one of the worst films Willis ever made. Apparently, Willis had great fun making the film, and comes across as doing so. But the film flopped big time, and never made general release.

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'It's All About Love' - Joaquin Phoenix- Danish director Thomas Vinterberg came under considerable fire for delivering a film variously described by critics as a plodding, uninteresting bore. The cast was equally befuddled, with Phoenix especially appearing lost along with costar Claire Danes.

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'Hide and Seek' - Robert De Niro- One of cinema's legendary actors, De Niromissed the mark on this one. His role in this psychological horror-thriller received mixed reviews, but was again accused of sliding into mediocrity.

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'Outcast' - Nicolas Cage- This film didn't even benefit from a theatrical release in the United States, and was poorly received. Rotten Tomatoes rates it at 5%, and Cage was widelycriticized for delivering such a poor performance.

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'Pink Cadillac' - Clint Eastwood- The usually reliable Eastwood ended up in the back seat after reviews of this 1989 action comedy were published. Variously described as lazy or lumbering, the film lingers at the bottom of Eastwood's otherwise illustrious output.

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'Man Trouble' - Jack Nicholson-

Now retired, Nicholson's distinguished career is near flawless. But this romantic comedy failed to make the grade. A box office flop, Nicholson's character suffered from a charmless script while the actor himself was accused of delivering a trivial performance.


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'Jaws: The Revenge' - Michael Caine- One of the great screen legends to emerge out of the 1960s, Caine admits that the film was terrible and that he was only in it for the money. A dud by any stretch of the imagination, the film at least made a small profit.

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'Transformers: The Last Knight' - Anthony Hopkins- Sir Anthony Hopkins enjoys the luxury of being able to pick and choose his roles. So did he lose a bet here? The film made money of course, but endured negative reviews along the way.

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'Pinocchio' - Roberto Benigni- This classic story turned live-action film was a major dud forBenigni. 'Pinocchio' received a 0% critic’s score on Rotten Tomatoes.

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'Jupiter Ascending' - Eddie Redmayne- What was Eddie Redmayne thinking? He costarred in this weird space opera—widely panned and just about breaking even at the box office—in the same year he portrayed Stephen Hawking.

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'Soul Man' - C. Thomas Howell- This film went past the point of dud and into the realm of offensive.Howell, a white actor, was featured in blackface and the film started riots in the African American community.

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'Superman Returns' - Brandon Routh-

Another 'Superman' bites the dust. Though overall reviews for this superhero film weren't exactly scathing, the dismal box office sales made sure that Routh wouldn't don the Superman cape again.

See also: The best Spanish-language films of all time

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Career lows: the worst films these actors ever made (2024)


What is considered to be the worst movie ever made? ›

The Terror of Tiny Town (1938)

Melvin Defleur referred to it as "Perhaps the worst film of all time", and critic Gabriel Ricard listed it as the worst film ever made; stating, "not only is it pretty terrible, but Tiny Town is also pretty endearing."

What is the lowest rated movie? ›

Lowest Rated Movies
  1. Disaster Movie. 20081h 27mPG-13. ...
  2. Manos: The Hands of Fate. 19661h 10mNot Rated. ...
  3. Birdemic: Shock and Terror. 20101h 45mNot Rated. ...
  4. Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2. 20041h 28mPG. ...
  5. Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas. 20141h 19mPG. ...
  6. The Hottie & the Nottie. 20081h 31mPG-13. ...
  7. House of the Dead. 20031h 30mR. ...
  8. Son of the Mask.

What actors do when not working? ›

What Do Actors Do When Not Working?
  • Leisure Activities and Relaxation. ...
  • Hobbies and Creative Pursuits. ...
  • Side Projects and Charity Work. ...
  • Skill Development and Professional Training. ...
  • Fitness Routines and Health. ...
  • Family Time and Personal Life. ...
  • Travel and Exploration. ...
  • Networking and Industry Events.
May 28, 2024

Which actor has worked in the most movies? ›

The Guiness World Record for acting in most number of films is held by Jagathy Sreekumar. Jagathy Sreekumar is an Indian Film Actor and comedian from the South Indian state of Kerala. He has acted in over 2380 Malyalam Films, 3 Tamil films and a Hindi Film and has also directed and scripted a couple of movies.

What is the sickest movie ever? ›

The Sickest Movies Ever
  • The Human Centipede (First Sequence) 20091h 32mR. ...
  • Irreversible. 20021h 37mNot Rated. ...
  • Audition. 19991h 55mR. ...
  • Funny Games. 19971h 48mNot Rated. ...
  • Deadgirl. 20081h 41mR. ...
  • I Stand Alone. 19981h 33mNot Rated. 7.3 (26K) Rate. ...
  • Caligula. 19792h 36mR. 5.3 (39K) Rate. ...
  • A Hole in My Heart. 20041h 38mUnrated. 4.4 (5.1K) Rate.

What movie has been banned the most? ›

Any film that focuses on religion is bound to cause controversy, and Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ can claim to be the most banned movie in the world. The film stars Willem Dafoe as Jesus Christ and follows his life and the many temptations he faces in his journey.

What is considered the best movie of all time? ›

Citizen Kane (1941) stood at number 1 for five consecutive polls, with 22 votes in 1962, 32 votes in 1972, 45 votes in 1982, 43 votes in 1992, and 46 votes in 2002. It also topped the first two directors' polls, with 30 votes in 1992 and 42 votes in 2002.

What movie lost the most money? ›

John Carter eventually earned $284 million upon release, resulting in a historic $255 million loss that made the movie the biggest box office bomb of all time.

What is worse than rated R? ›

The NC-17 rating is the highest rating (even higher than the R-rating) that a film can be given, and it means the movie is for adults only (ages 18 and older) and no one age 17 or younger will be admitted. This rating, prior to 1990, was previously rated X.

What do actors struggle with the most? ›

A big problem that many aspiring actors have is that they don't possess an instrument that is pliable and vulnerable enough to access the full gamut of human emotion. Also, most actors misunderstand emotion in acting, often falsely believing that quantity is more important than quality.

What do actors do all day? ›

Actors review scripts and prepare characters, rehearse, go to auditions, and work on career management on a daily basis. An actor is a professional performer who portrays characters in plays, films, television shows, or other forms of entertainment.

Where do actors sleep when filming? ›

Where Do Actors Sleep When Filming? Actors usually sleep in designated accommodations like hotels or on-site trailers, customarily provided by the production company. They also may have private rest areas or dressing rooms equipped with a comfortable space for napping between scenes.

Who is the most famous actor of all time? ›

fame is defined by the % of people who have heard of a all-time actor/actress. Find out more
  1. 1 Tom Cruise98%
  2. 2 Sylvester Stallone98%
  3. 3 Will Smith98%
  4. 4 Morgan Freeman98%
  5. 5 Marilyn Monroe98%
  6. 6 Leonardo DiCaprio98%
  7. 7 Bill Cosby97%
  8. Robert Downey Jr. 97%

Who is the richest actor of the world? ›

Who are the world's wealthiest actors? The wealthiest actors in the world include Tyler Perry (net worth around $1 billion), Jerry Seinfeld (net worth approx $950 million), Dwayne Johnson (net worth approx $800 million), Shah Rukh Khan, the highest-paid Bollywood star, and Tom Cruise (net worth about $600 million).

Who is the highest-paid actor? ›

Adam Sandler's four film projects of 2023 propelled him to an annual salary of $73m (£57m), making him the highest-paid performer in Hollywood, according to Forbes magazine.

What is the biggest movie fail? ›

Whether it be from abysmal reviews or a general lack of enthusiasm, these movies are evoked in infamy as box office duds.
  • 8 Battleship. ...
  • 7 Strange World. ...
  • 6 Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas. ...
  • 5 Cutthroat Island. ...
  • 4 Mortal Engines. ...
  • 3 The 13th Warrior. ...
  • 2 The Lone Ranger. ...
  • 1 John Carter. Estimated $250 - 255 Million Dollar Loss.
Mar 17, 2024

What is the most inappropriate movie in history? ›

Last Tango in Paris (1972)

In the film's most infamous scene, Marlon Brando's character rapes a young woman from Paris (the late Maria Schneider), using a stick of butter as lubricant. Schneider later spoke out about filming the scene, claiming that it was not in the script.

What is one of the most disturbing movies? ›

The 50 Most Disturbing Movies, by Complex Magazine
  1. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. 19751h 57mTV-MA. ...
  2. Nekromantik. 19881h 11mNot Rated. ...
  3. Cannibal Holocaust. 19801h 35mUnrated. ...
  4. Pink Flamingos. 19721h 33mNC-17. ...
  5. Audition. 19991h 55mR. ...
  6. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. 19861h 23mUnrated. ...
  7. In a Glass Cage. 19861h 50mUnrated. ...
  8. Aftermath.

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